Jenn Scott

Damean Miller – Chief Services Officer

Damean Miller – Chief Services Officer

Damean has a wide industry background, spending many years at a Senior Leadership level in IT Service Delivery and Manufacturing, in both Public and Private sector. He has strong people skills which ideally places him to lead on a number of Delt’s services, including Payroll, Procurement, Print and Mail and Estates Management.

When not working, Damean loves getting out there and living his life to the full, which supports all the varied hobbies he participates in. This includes Scouting, Off Roading and shooting, but by far his favourite hobby is kayaking and canoeing. He is a UKCC coach and can be found in and around the waters of Plymouth Sound 3 – 4 times a week. He is happily married with two adult children.

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Jane White – Chief People and Culture Officer

Delt Shared Services Jane White Image

Jane White – Chief People and Culture Officer

After being born in the UK and raised in Canada, Jane finally came to her senses and returned home to Cornwall in 2014. She has spent the last 15 years working in organisational development roles in both the private and public sector where she has overseen the development of a number of transformational talent management strategies that have led to engaging, inspiring and high performing cultures.

Jane joined Delt in August 2017 and brings a passion and commitment to building collaborative working relationships that value and leverage the strengths of others. She is looking forward to contributing to the positive impact that Delt is having on the people of the South West.

When not at Delt, she lives in Cornwall and loves to spend time with her family, walking the coastal path and exploring the South West.

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Giles Letheren – Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director

Delt Shared Services Giles Letheren Image

Giles Letheren – Chief Executive Officer

Husband, father, IT guy, magician, hypnotist, dragster driver: Giles came to Delt in January 2015 after a varied career that started in theatre and television but turned into management consultancy and IT leadership on both sides of the Atlantic. Giles has been CIO for the MoDs US operations, both Head of Transformation Communications and Change and Head of Solution Delivery for Babcock International.

Giles lives in North Cornwall with one wife, two children, four and a bit rabbits, two dogs, at least three cats, a hamster, many chickens and an ever increasing zoo of other fluffy carbon based life forms that seem to turn up when he isn’t looking. When not being passionate about delivering the opportunities presented by Delt, Giles is usually found building or repairing things, tinkering with his custom motorcycle or wondering what this new animal is that just jumped onto his bed.

Giles came to Delt because of the opportunity to improve people’s lives in the South West and show that a public interest company could do things better, faster and cheaper.

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Lorna Collingwood-Burke – Non-Executive Director

Delt Shared Services Lorna Collingwood-Burke Image

Lorna Collingwood-Burke – Non-Executive Director

Lorna qualified as a nurse in 1982 at the Royal United Hospital School of Nursing, Bath and as a midwife in 1986 at the Peterborough School of Midwifery. She moved to Devon with her family in 1996 after returning from living and working in Canada for 10 years. She has experience in business management following the completion of an MBA at Exeter University in 2006.

Lorna has worked across both NHS provider and commissioner organisations and, in July 2014, she became the Chief Nursing Officer for NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG. In April 2019, Lorna took on the same role for the new pan Devon CCG.

Lorna was elected onto the national NHS Clinical Commissioner board as the board nurse and chaired the NHS Clinical Commissioner nurse forum. Lorna was also the Caldicott Guardian for the two CCGs.

The Ingredients of Delt

The Ingredients of Delt

I write blogs when I am inspired, thoughtful or occasionally annoyed. It’s a way of emptying my head (and before you say it, no – that doesn’t take long) and letting me move onto something else.

I’ve been thinking this week about what makes Delt special. What makes up the secret sauce that has let us deliver services better faster and cheaper than they were before. It’s really hard to codify the ingredients though. People are at the heart of it, that’s for sure. But it’s mostly the same people as before, so what’s different? I think a lot of it is giving people the ability to influence, to improve and to change things for the better. Instead of holding them back, we try and encourage them to think differently. I woke up this morning to the following email. It was from a Delt staff member and appeared to be apologising for something that had gone wrong. Then I understood that it wasn’t that something had gone wrong, but something that hadn’t gone as right as they wanted. I hope they will forgive me for using their words:

I wasn’t thinking through the true purpose of my task. The more I think about the missed opportunity today the more disappointed I become that I didn’t think this through properly before I started.

Then I remembered that this isn’t a negative story! A missed opportunity means recognising failure and a recognised failure is an opportunity for me to learn and improve for next time. So I’m going to go back to step 1 before I progress through step 10. I need to re-learn the moral of our story. The… why do we do what we do? I kind of know but I want to really understand it. Once I have this drafted I’m going to attempt to build the narrative using our vision and values and then I’ll be back to see what you think. Between now and then I’ll continue to do what I do and I’ll get involved with everything that is asked of me but this will be my focus.

In writing this I pretty much feel like I’m telling myself what I need to hear. It is because of this I have contemplated even sending it and the conclusion I came to is that by having you read this (I hope you are still reading this) will force me to move quickly. I really want to do this.

What makes Delt Delt? That does.

(This blog written because I was inspired. Almost speechlessly so….

Giles Letheren – Chief Executive Officer

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