Board Minutes – 7 September 2020
Board Minutes
Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors Meeting – 7 September 2020
Directors in attendance: Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director via phone), Mark Greaves (Independent Non-Executive Director, Chair), Giles Letheren (Executive Director), Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director) and Andrew Millward (Non-Executive Director)
Apologies: Kim Brown and Paul James
Also in attendance: Glenn Askew (Delt Consultant), Kevin Bryant (Client Device Manager), Karen Morris (Financial Controller), Helen Prendergast (Secretariat), Jessica Turner (Communications and Marketing Co-ordinator) and Jane White (Head of Workforce and Brand)
This meeting was conducted virtually
The Delt Board of Directors met on 7 September 2020 and discussed the following key items of business –
● Service Line: GPIT Presentation/Questions: as part of the Board’s rolling programme of including a service line at its meetings, Kevin Bryant (Client Device Manager) gave a presentation on the work undertaken on the GPIT service;
● Transforming Futures Update: the Board noted the rebranding of ACE Multi Academy Trust and that work currently being undertaken for the Trust was being done so on an interim arrangement (and not as a shareholder) whilst ongoing issues were resolved;
● Strategic Workforce Planning: the Board noted the work undertaken since the last update in April 2020;
● Business Plan Update/Away Day Follow Up: the Board noted the work being undertaken to re-write the business plan which would be presented to the Board in October 2020;
● 70. Corporate Social Responsibility Away Day Follow Up: the Board noted the development of a CSR working group which would assist in driving the change that would be required and the intention to conduct a staff survey on diversity;
● 71. Unions Relationship Progress: the Chair together with Kim Brown (NED) and Jane White (Head of Workforce and Brand) had met with the regional trade union reps relating to issues with Delt Rad;
● Coronavirus Update: the Board noted the work being undertaken by Delt in supporting its customers and staff during the pandemic and Delt’s continuing business as usual approach;
● Management Accounts: the Board discussed and noted the latest financial position of the company, the key risks which could impact the budget in-year and the impact of Covid;
● Performance Management: the Board reviewed the latest performance information for the organisation, against the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and noted that all service levels had been met in July 2020; it further noted the success of the full power failover which had taken place on 22/23 August 2020 and the need for future failover tests. The Board congratulated the Chief Executive and his team for a successful test;
● Client Acquisition and Business Development: Glenn Askew (Delt Consultant) provided an overview of the work he was undertaking to realise the business opportunities within the blue light services. The Board noted the comprehensive work being undertaken with potential new customers;
● Comms Plan: Jessica Turner (Communications and Marketing Co-ordinator) provided an overview of the work that she would be undertaking in September
2020, in particular the importance of partnership working to promote Delt to a wider audience;
● Any Other Business: the Board noted the importance of Delt publicising its success stories and requested that the managed detection and response cyber security service be communicated on social media;
● Any Other Business: the Board had been made aware of a communication from the Chief Executive of Transforming Futures which read ‘I congratulate you all on the incredible achievement, you’ve certainly exceeded your goals of being noticeable by your lack of exposure. I have not seen such a successful go live, in any environment before and considering the breadth of the business you have covered, this is a very real achievement. On behalf of the Transforming Futures Board and all our staff, thank you. Please pass this sentiment on to your Board and staff’;
● The next Board meeting will be held on 28 October 2020.