Board Minutes – 27 January 2021
Board Minutes
Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors Meeting
27 January 2021
Directors in attendance: Kim Brown (Non-Executive Director), Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director), Mark Greaves (Independent Non-Executive Director, Chair), Paul James (Executive Director), Giles Letheren (Executive Director), Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director) and Andrew Millward (Non-Executive Director)
Also in attendance: Helen Prendergast (Secretariat), Officer), Jessica Turner (Communications and Marketing Co-ordinator) and Jane White (Head of Workforce and Brand)
This meeting was conducted virtually.
The Delt Board of Directors met on 27 January 2021 and discussed the following key items of business –
● Transforming Futures Update: the Chief Executive provided a progress update on contract.
● Diversity: the Board considered the results of the staff survey that had been conducted in November 2020; a lengthy discussion took place regarding understanding the neutral responses that had been provided, the need to have a broader understanding of the diversity make-up of the organisation, how diversity information was captured by Delt and the need to provide a comprehensive education and training programme;
● Corporate Social Responsibility Future Plan: the Board noted the result of the staff vote on the charities that Delt would be focusing on during 2021 and also that as part of the Kickstart initiative, Delt would be offering three placements;
● Workforce Strategic Planning: the Board considered the data that it wished to reivew on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis; the Board requested to be informed when strategic/senior members of staff had left the organisation and also the retirement age of the workforce, as it wished to be assured that any risks to the organisation would be mitigated;
● Management Accounts: the Board discussed and noted the latest financial position of the company, the key risks which could impact the budget in-year, the impact of Covid, it also noted that a significant amount of the aged debt had recently been paid;
● Initial Budget 2021/22: the Board noted the initial budget for 2021/22 and the future challenges;
● Performance Management: the Board wished to send its congratulations to the staff involved with the IT performance over the last two months; it also noted that the payroll error rate SLA had been missed in December 2020 due to a number of reasons but that the SLA should be met in January 2021;
● Client Acquisition and Business Development: the Board noted the comprehensive work being undertaken with potential new customers to secure business growth;
● Comms Plan: Jessica Turner (Communication and Marketing Co-ordinator) provided the Boar with the marketing online dashboard, the 2021 marketing strategy and an updated marketing online dashboard; the Board had been pleased with the number case studies that would come online over the next few weeks; the Board had a lengthy discussion on Delt’s proposed marketing strategy;
● Business Plan: the process of drafting the business plan had been difficult due to the need for it to fulfil a number of purposes. The plan would be finalised over the coming weeks and would be circulated to the Board prior to the February 2021 meeting;
The next Board meeting will be held on 24 February 2021.