Board Minutes – 23 September 2019
Board Minutes
Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors
23 September 2019
Directors in attendance: Giles Perritt (Non-Executive Director) (Chair), Mark Greaves (Independent Non-Executive Director), Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director), Nick Franklin (Non-Executive Director (Staff Appointed)), Giles Letheren (Executive Director) and Paul James (Executive Director)
Attendees: Siân Millard (Company Secretary), Helen Prendergast (Secretariat), Paul Jones (Head of Infrastructure and Operations) and Jane White (Head of Workforce and Brand)
Apologies: Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director) and Jo Turl (Non-Executive Director)
The Delt Board of Directors met on 23 September 2019 and discussed the following key items of business:
- Finances – the Board discussed and noted:
- the latest financial position of the company;
- requested an updated forecast for 2019/20 for the next meeting; and
- an update on discussions with Plymouth City Council
- Risk – the Board discussed the quarterly risk register, in particular:
- the merits of having a specific risk on changes within the national political context (e.g. change of government/Brexit)
- that the Board would revisit the risks in more detail at the forthcoming Development Day in November
- Data Centre Outage Centre Independent IT Review – discussed the report from the independent reviewer on reasons for and learnings from the data centre outage, and the importance of good communication with customers to reinstate confidence
- Communication Strategy and Plan – the Board discussed the developing communication strategy and plan and considered that:
- the company’s approach to communicated needs to be more focussed and aligned to the business acquisition and business value dashboard work
- communications should be tailored to particular stakeholder/customer groups
- the differences that Delt offers as a shared service should be clearly articulated
- Business Value Dashboard – Paul Jones briefed the Board on development of the business value dashboard. The Board noted:
- that a Business Value Dashboard (BVD) connects tactical measures and metrics with the appropriate key business indicators which enables an organisation to analyse, validate and communicate the value-based outcomes
- the dashboard included – revenue impact; customer experience; risk mitigation; and growth
- the Board expectation that the dashboard should cover all Delt services
- Client acquisition and business development – the Board noted the latest update on business development opportunities
- Performance report– the Board reviewed the latest performance statistics for the company against its Service Level Agreements
- Modern Slavery Policy – the Board discussed an updated Modern Slavery Policy (from the August Board discussion) the draft Modern Slavery Policy and requested that a comparison to similar policies in other relevant companies was undertaken.
- Host Employment – the Board discussed a request from the CCG to act as a host employer for some nurses and considered the benefits and risks of the proposal
- The next board meeting will be on 28 October 2019.