Board Minutes – 18 November 2020
Board Minutes
Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors Meeting – 18 November 2020
Directors in attendance: Kim Brown (Non-Executive Director), Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director), Mark Greaves (Independent Non-Executive Director, Chair), Paul James (Executive Director), Giles Letheren (Executive Director), Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director) and Andrew Millward (Non-Executive Director)
Also in attendance: Karen Morris (Financial Controller) Helen Prendergast (Secretariat), Officer), Jessica Turner (Communications and Marketing Co-ordinator) and Jane White (Head of Workforce and Brand)
This meeting was conducted virtually
The Delt Board of Directors met on 18 November and discussed the following key items of business –
● Transforming Futures Update: the Chief Executive provided a progress update on the day to day operation of the back office function; a formal procurement exercise for a commercial contract had commenced; the submission date for the tender was 29 December 2020;
● Update on Progress with Workforce Strategy Planning including Coronavirus Update: the Board sought clarification on Delt’s process for reward and recognition, remuneration, together with how the company grew and retained talent;
● Management Accounts: the Board discussed and noted the latest financial position of the Company, the key risks which could impact the budget in-year, the impact of Covid; it also noted the aged debtors report which detailed long-term debt (12 months) of £180k;
● Performance Management: the Board noted that all service level agreements had been met in October 2020; it also discussed the first Net Promotor Survey that had been undertaken; the survey was an industry standard for measuring whether a company was doing a good job; the survey had been sent to Delt’s 185 key stakeholders; 25% of surveys had been received which had resulted in an overall score of 32.6%; this was an average score when compared to similar companies;
● Client Acquisition and Business Development: the Board noted the comprehensive work being undertaken with potential new customers to secure business growth;
● Comms Plan: Jessica Turner (Communications and Marketing Co-ordinator) provided the Board with an overview of the work that had been undertaken during November 2020; Jane White (Head of Workforce and Brand) advised that Delt had registered for the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies; an engagement survey would be circulated to all staff in the middle of February 2021;
● Business Plan Update: the Board reviewed the business plan which had been revised in line with its previous feedback; following further feedback the Plan would be circulated to the Board for approval early in December 2020;
● 70. Corporate Social Responsibility: the Board noted the work undertaken on the next steps for Delt’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which included a dedicated CSR section on the website; the Board reviewed the revised Modern Slavery Statement; a significant amount of work had been undertaken to ensure that through all Delt’s procurement processes, it assessed the risks and took positive action to ensure that there was no modern slavery within its business supply chain(s);
● Finance Forecast: the Board considered the forecast for 2020/21 which highlighted a reduction in Delt’s income streams and also a reduction in its surplus;
● Proposed Dividend: the Board agreed to pay its Shareholders a dividend in 2020/21 of £200k which was in line with the original budget;
● Growth vs Dividend: the Board noted the report which highlighted the future challenges for the company;
● The next Board meeting will be held on 27 January 2021.