Board Minutes – 20 May 2019

Board Minutes

Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors

20 May 2019

 Directors in attendance: Giles Perritt, Non-Executive Director (Chair), Mark Greaves, Independent Non-Executive Director, Mark Lewis, Independent Non-Executive Director, Nick Franklin, Non-Executive Director (Staff Appointed), Giles Letheren, Executive Director and Paul James, Executive Director

Attendees: Siân Millard (Company Secretary)

Apologies: Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director)

The Delt Board of Directors met on 20 May 2019 and discussed the following key items of business.

  • Welcome – the Board welcome Mark Lewis to his first meeting as an Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Finances  – the Board discussed
    • the Annual Accounts 2019/19 and associated Audit Completion Report and draft budget for 19/20 and noted the auditors were finalising the audit;
    • the latest management accounts as at 30 April 2019 (the management accounts are a monthly update on Delt’s in-year finances) and noted the current position
  • Delt Business Plan 2019 – 2026 – the Board discussed
    • The final version of the company’s Business Plan and noted the importance of effective communications to stakeholders; and
    • approved the Business Plan as it currently stands and recommended it for approval by Shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
  • Business development – the Board noted and discussed an update on business development activity underway
  • Performance report– the Board reviewed the latest performance statistics for the company against its Service Level Agreements
  • Year-end Performance Pay Update – the Board noted the update on performance-pay at year-end and agreed to support the 1.5% performance award payment for the 2018/19 financial year and a continuation of performance pay for the 2019/20 fiscal year.  
  • Agenda for Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting – the Board noted the draft agenda for the Shareholder’s Annual General Meeting in June.
  • Provision of Delt identities and kit for Board members – the Board noted the associated costs of providing Delt email addresses and IT kit to Board members and agreed it could be provided upon request.
  • The next board meeting will be on 1 July 2019.  
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