Privacy Policy
Delt Shared Services Ltd. collects and uses personal information for a variety of reasons. When we do so we will only collect the information that we need, will explain how it will be used, and will only use it in accordance with applicable laws.
About us
Delt Shared Services Ltd. is a supplier of a range of business support services including IT Management, Cyber and Data Protection, Innovation and Transformation, Print and Mail, Payroll and Pensions, Procurement, Project Management, Estates Management and HR and Organisational Development to (mostly) public sector organisations. You can find out more about these services on our website https://deltservices.com/what-we-do/.
Head office
Delt Shared Services Ltd.
2 Derriford Business Park
You can contact us with queries on:
Telephone: +44(0)1752 308888
Email: info@deltservices.co.uk
What our transparency information covers
Data Protection Legislation such as UK GDPR makes a distinction between “controllers” and “processors” of information about people. A controller decides why and how to process the personal information. A processor only processes information on behalf of a controller, based on the controller’s instructions, and does not make any decisions about personal information and how it will be used. Delt Shared Services Ltd. may be either a controller or a processor, depending on the scenario.
The core of our transparency information relates to where Delt Shared Services Ltd. is the data controller of your personal data and explains how we collect, use and share this information for our own purposes.
We also provide some information about what you can expect from Delt Shared Services Ltd. if your employer or service provider has a contract with us to provide business support services. For more detailed information or to exercise your rights please refer to your employer or service providers published information, or contact them directly.
Transparency information may be updated from time to time. All updates and amendments are effective immediately and we encourage you to review these pages to stay informed of changes. If you have any questions about this policy, please email info@deltservices.co.uk
Where Delt Shared Services Ltd is the controller
Transparency information published on our website covers:
- Visiting deltservices.com.
- When you request information from us, such as contacting us with an enquiry.
- If you apply for a job vacancy with Delt Shared Services Ltd.
- Visiting Delt Shared Services Ltd offices in person.
- If you are a contractor or supplier.
- If you (as an individual, rather than on behalf of your employer who is our customer) use our Print and Mail Service.
- Information we hold to manage services we provide to your employer or service provider
- If you are attending an event managed by Delt Shared Services Ltd.
If you provide us with information about individuals relating to these activities or services, it will only be used in the ways described.
If you are a Delt Shared Services Ltd employee: please refer to transparency information published on the intranet (the Deltranet).
Where Delt Shared Services Ltd. is a processor
Information we may hold about you as part of delivering the services we are contracted to provide to your employer or service provider, for which we are a processor.
If you are an employee of a Delt Shared Services Ltd. customer organisation: We are likely to have need to process information about you in order to provide the contracted services. The type of information about you that we process will depend on the nature of the service being provided. For example, IT services will require different sets of information to HR or recruitment services. Please review the appropriate services in the list below for information about the sort of data we collect, how we use it, and what your rights are regarding this data.
If you are a service user of a Delt Shared Services Ltd. customer organisation: Where Delt Shared Services Ltd. has a contract to provide part of those services or enable their provision we may need to process information about you. The type of information about you that we process will depend on the nature of the service being provided. For example, catering services (part of Estates/Facilities management) will require different sets of information to financial services. Please review the appropriate services in the list below for information about the sort of data we collect, how we use it, and what your rights are regarding this data.
If you wish to use any of your data protection rights in relation to these processes, please direct your enquiry to your employer or service provider.
Delt Shared Services Ltd. managed services:
- Information Technology Services.
- HR, Organisational Development and Recruitment Services.
- Estates/Facilities Management.
- Financial Services.
- Payroll and Pension Services.
- Data Protection (DPO) Service.
Plymouth City Council customer specific privacy information: