Board Minutes – 30 March 2020
Board Minutes
Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors Meeting
30 March 2020
Directors in attendance: Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director), Nick Franklin (Staff Nominated Non-Executive Director), Mark Greaves (Independent Non-Executive Director, Chair), Paul James (Executive Director), Giles Letheren (Executive Director), Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director) and Andrew Millward (Non-Executive Director).
Attendees: Helen Prendergast (Secretariat).
The meeting was conducted virtually.
The Delt Board of Directors met on 30 March 2020 and discussed the following key items of business –
● Coronavirus Update: Board noted the work being undertaken by Delt in supporting it customers; the Board congratulated Delt’s workforce on its performance and support during these unprecedented circumstances;
● Finance: the Board discussed and noted the latest financial position of the Company, the key risks which could impact the budget in-year and the potential financial impact of the Coronavirus;
● Performance Management: the Board reviewed the latest performance information for the Company against its Service Level Agreements (SLAs), in particular the contractual SLAs that had been missed, and progress against the datacentre action plan;
● Client Acquisition and Business Development: the Board noted and discussed the update on the business development;
● Business Plan Update: the Board noted that the Shareholders had agreed the plan which would be implemented on 1 April 2020;
● Communication Strategy Update: the Board noted that due to the impact of the virus work had not progressed on the strategy;
● Revised Pay Award 2020/21: the Board reviewed the revised pay award for 2020/21 which would be considered by the Remuneration Committee;
● Risk Register: the Board noted the inclusion on the register of a new risk relating to the ability to deliver Delt’s business plan objectives from the short, medium and long term impact from COVID-19;
● The next Board meeting will be held on 29 April 2020.