Board Minutes – 23 June 2021

Board Minutes

Delt Shared Services Ltd – Board of Directors Meeting

23 June 2021

Directors in attendance: Kim Brown (Non-Executive Director), Lorna Collingwood-Burke (Non-Executive Director), Nick Franklin (Non-Executive Director Staff Appointed), Mark Greaves(Independent Non-Executive Director, Chair), Giles Letheren (Executive Director), Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director) and Andrew Millward (Non-Executive Director)

Apologies: Mark Lewis (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Also in attendance: Stephanie Hurrell (Procurement Manager), Simon Grint (Support for interim CFO), Karen Morris (Financial Controller), Helen Prendergast (Secretariat), Jessica Turner (Marketing Manager) and Jane White (Chief People and Culture Officer)

This meeting was conducted virtually.

The Delt Board of Directors met on 23 June 2021 and discussed the following key items of business –

● Welcome: the Chair welcomed Simon Grint (Support for interim Chief Financial Officer) to his first Board meeting.  The Chair advised that Simon Grint had previously worked for Delt in the role of interim Chief Financial Officer in 2017-2018.

● Quarterly Risk Register: the Board agreed with the interim Chief Financial Officer’s recommendation to add three new risks to the register which related to the impact of exiting Windsor House, the fragile international supply chain for IT and the sub-optimal business processes resulting in lower productivity chain for IT and to remove two risks relating to the disparate and ineffective systems would prevent Delt taking advantage of economies of scale from many horizontal or vertical growth and the impact of Brexit.  The Board also asked that a further risk be added to the register relating to post Covid working arrangements which would encompass employee mental health.

● Modern Slavery Statement Update: The Board had a lengthy discussion on whether it was appropriate to put a monetary threshold for suppliers to provide a modern slavery statement (even if by law they were not required to) or whether suppliers needed to be able to demonstrate their ethnicity.

● Workforce Strategic Planning: A lengthy discussion was held regarding the distribution of the performance related pay scheme.  The Board requested that the Chief People and Culture Officer (Jane White) provide an action plan relating to the review of this scheme. The Board noted the work being undertaken as part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility.

● Management Accounts: The Board noted the management accounts as at 31 May 2021.

● Performance Management: The Board noted that during May 2021, 26 out of the 26 SLAs had been met. The Board had been advised that the SLA had been missed due to a major incident occurring within Plymouth City Council which had involved a Delt third party supplier which managed the Council’s printers.  Whilst the majority of the issues had been resolved within SLA, there were some residual printers which took longer than the time allotted within the SLA which had led to the failure.

● Client Acquisition and Business Development: The Board noted the comprehensive working being undertaken to secure growth within the organisation, particularly with Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service.

● Comms Plan: the Board noted the continuing progress being made with the marketing of the company through social media.  The Chief Executive presented the ‘telling the story of good performance’ and the NHS annual IT service review 2020-21 for noting. The Board had requested that the key messages from these two reports be communicated to Delt’s stakeholders and potential customers.

The next Board meeting will be held on 28 July 2021.

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